#We are InfluenSer because every action counts!


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Being an InfluenSer  

Is being part of a global movement of sociocultural transformation.

We believe that as human beings, we have a responsibility not only to ourselves but to other people and the environment.

We believe we have the ability to raise awareness and transform others.

We believe that change starts with ourselves.

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With the support of the Camposanto Corporation, we encourage residents of Comuna 8 in Medellín to exchange their recycling for points, which they can later use to get discounts and benefits that reduce their expenses and improve their quality of life and that of their community.

We create a direct line between people and businesses to strengthen business trust and move away from state dependence.

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Project of sustainable integrated articulation for the conservation of the Ciénaga de Ayapel, Córdoba, and to bring more and better development to its inhabitants, while strengthening the socio-environmental-economic link between the territory's actors.

Territorial appropriation, connection to higher education, and social fabric management are some of the objectives outlined in the project.

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